hard /härd/ adverb

Eating disorders are hard. There isn’t any way around it. Hard is the goal of each and every eating disorder. The harder it makes it for those battling, the more likely the eating disorder is to win. 

Through my years working with young people struggling with eating disorders, I realized it’s not just the eating disorder that makes recovery difficult, it’s the treatment as well. Families become overwhelmed, patients get tired and it’s tough to find a team that meets them where they are and supports them when it is all too much. 

Our team came together because we were tired of the hard.  We are here to ensure every patient and their family receives the skills needed to beat this illness in the easiest hard way possible. 

We are grateful you are here, no matter where you are on the journey. We know the eating disorder will put up a strong fight (it always does) and will do its best to make the hard harder, but what the eating disorder doesn’t know is that we know hard, and we have figured out a way to make the hard easier

With love and in good health, 

Dr. Jaime Taylor and the team

1.  with a great deal of effort.